Sailor / Thrane & Thrane systems are backed by Inmarsat-C technology, proven since 1979 in the world's most reliable and reliable network supply for safety at sea and global maritime communications. And they meet all the established naval security requirements, based on the safest maritime satellite communications systems in the world.

Sailor / Thrane & Thrane's products cover all your maritime communication needs, providing a wide range of communication products ranging from VMS Equipment, Inmarsat Maritime and Iridium voice / data solutions to maritime MF / HF VHF communications systems, etc.

It offers reliable transmission as it uses the Inmarsat-C satellite system, which provides the highest reliability of any maritime communication platform available today. You can trust that the messages sent will reach their destination. Communication at sea is assured.

All systems are equipped with the guaranteed notification function of the Inmarsat-C system, sending a distress message to the nearest Maritime Rescue Coordination Center in case of emergency, by the simple push of an alarm button on the terminal. A distress alert, on which a life can depend, that relays the current position in a matter of minutes, no matter how chaotic the situation.
In the event of equipment failure, Sailor / Thrane & Thrane has an extensive network of qualified installers, ready to offer the best service.

At Dahlberg SA we have SAILOR and its VMS Equipment, Inmarsat Maritime and Iridium voice / data solutions to MF / HF VHF maritime communications systems, GMDSS